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Canada hosts North American Leaders’ Summit

The Government of Canada has made it a top priority to strengthen and renew our trilateral relationship with our North American partners, the United States and Mexico, in order to ensure a clean and prosperous future for all of our people.

Today, Canada is hosting the North American Leaders’ Summit in Ottawa, in order to take coordinated action that will create sustainable economic growth, help transition to a low carbon economy, and provide better opportunities for Canadians, Americans, and Mexicans alike.

During the Summit, the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, the President of the United States, Barack Obama, and the President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, will discuss the opportunity for North America to become the world’s most competitive player in the clean growth economy – and the potential to create the jobs of today and tomorrow.

The three leaders will also talk about ways to advance trade and competitiveness, because an efficient North American economy is vital for prosperity and for creating good-paying, middle class jobs.

Above all, today’s Summit is an opportunity for three great nations – who share the same continent and the same values – to stand side-by-side and deliver real results for North Americans, and the entire global community.


“Today, the leaders of Canada, the United States, and Mexico come together to address shared challenges, knowing cooperation pays off, and that working in partnership always beats going it alone. The outcome of today’s discussions will improve the lives of Canadians, Americans, and Mexicans across the continent. We will streamline the flow of legitimate goods and trusted travelers across our borders, promote cleaner air and waterways, and work toward a competitive, low-carbon, and sustainable North American economy that creates good, middle-class jobs for our citizens.”
—Rt. Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

Quick Facts

  • The North America region has a combined population of almost 530 million and an economy that represents more than one-quarter of the world’s gross domestic product (GDP).
  • The three countries are among each other’s largest trading partners and sources of foreign investment. In 2015, North American trilateral merchandise trade amounted to US$1 trillion, and our combined GDP has more than doubled over the past two decades, rising from US$8 trillion (in 1993) to $US20.6 trillion today.
  • The three leaders will pledge to increase trilateral defence cooperation, expand their roles in UN peace operations, collaborate more on global public health needs, and work together to address climate change. To encourage clean growth, they will commit to drive down short-lived climate pollutants, and advance clean and secure energy – with the goal of 50% clean power generation across the continent by 2025.

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