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Prime Minister Crest

Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada on the results of the general election in the United Kingdom

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The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the results of the United Kingdom’s general election:

“On behalf of the Government of Canada, I congratulate Prime Minister Boris Johnson on his electoral victory.

“I look forward to continuing to work with Prime Minister Johnson on issues that matter to both of our countries, from addressing the climate crisis, to promoting democracy and global security around the world.

“While in London last week, I was reminded of the close and important relationship that joins our two countries, based on strong people-to-people ties and centuries of shared history.

“Loyal friends, allies, and partners, we will continue to work together to defend our common values and build a prosperous future for all our citizens. Whether through the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, United Nations, G7, G20, or the Commonwealth, we will always stand united in the pursuit of a safer, more just, and more peaceful world.”