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Statement by the Prime Minister to mark the Christchurch Call Leaders’ Summit 2023

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The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement to mark the Christchurch Call Leaders’ Summit 2023:

“Canada reiterates its strong commitment to the Christchurch Call to Eliminate Terrorist & Violent Extremist Content Online and to combating hate in all its forms. More than ever, we need governments, civil society, and industry to continue working together on solutions. That’s what makes the Christchurch Call so important.

“In 2019, following two tragic terrorist attacks on mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, Canada joined governments, technology companies, and civil society organizations from around the world to adopt the Christchurch Call to Action. Since then, the Christchurch Call has become a leading forum for advancing global efforts to prevent terrorist and violent extremist content online.

“As technology continues to rapidly evolve and questions around the misuse of artificial intelligence, the propagation of disinformation, and the radicalization of online spaces become increasingly relevant, supporting the Christchurch Call remains a key priority for the Government of Canada. At last year’s Leaders’ Summit in New York City, I announced funding to help smaller online platforms detect and remove terrorist and violent extremist content, and we continue to take action as a government to address the spread of ideologically motivated hate.

“In September, Canada and the Netherlands launched the Global Declaration on Information Integrity Online, which brings together 32 countries to protect our information ecosystems, including international commitments to uphold information integrity online and strengthen our responses to the opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence. Through the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism, we continue to advocate for improved digital industry responses to terrorist and violent extremist content around the world. And earlier this year, we announced funding through the Community Resilience Fund to fight radicalization here at home, including several projects related to the Christchurch Call and its commitments. We continue to work with Canadian industry, academia, civil society, and other stakeholders to address illegal and harmful online content in Canada, while promoting a safer and more inclusive online environment for everyone.

“As we look to the future, the work of Dame Jacinda Ardern, Special Envoy for the Christchurch Call, will continue to be critical, and I look forward to our continued collaboration.

“Canada will continue to provide leadership and work with its international partners to counter radicalization and eliminate terrorist and violent extremist content. Together, we will help ensure that people of all faiths and backgrounds are welcome and feel safe both on and offline.”